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Plastic Solenoid Controlled Pressure Reducing Control Valve

Plastic Hydraulic Control Valves

Solenoid Kontrollü Basınç Düşürücü Kontrol Vanası, giriş basınç değerini istenilen basınç değerine düşüren hidrolik kontrol vanalarıdır. Ana vananın kontrolü, üzerine monte edilmiş solenoid bobinler sayesinde gerçekleştirilir. Solenoid vanalara elektrik sinyali, bir kontrol cihazı, zaman rölesi, şalter, PLC kontrol ünitesi v.b kontrol ekipmanları ile sağlanır. Böylece uygulama sistemlerinde otomasyon ile kontrol kolaylıkla sağlanır.

Bağlantılarına göre mevcut çaplar

  • Flanşlı: DN80, DN100
  • Açılı : 2″, 3″
  • Dişli : 3/4″, 1″, 1½”, 2″, 2½”, 3R, 3″ , 4″

It is a fully automatic hydraulic control valve designed to perform the hydraulically desired modulation processes with the line pressure without the need for different energy sources such as electricity, pneumatic or mechanical in the main valve mains line

Valve Closing Mode

Pilot valves connected to the main valve create a hydraulic force on the valve diaphragm when the water pressure at the valve inlet reaches the actuator actuator (control reservoir) of the valve. This hydraulic force that is created combines the diaphragm of the valve with the extra force exerted by the internal spring to ensure a tight seal.


Valve Opening Mode

When the path of the pilot valve on the main valve in the closed position is set to the discharge position, the pressurized water in the control chamber on the diaphragm of the main valve is discharged. When the line pressure reaches the spring force, the valve diaphragm applies a hydraulic force to the diaphragm to bring the valve into the full open position.

Modulation Mode


The pilot valves that connect the actuator to the main valve allow the main valve to operate in the modulated position. The valve in the actuator of the main valve (control reservoir), according to the flow quantity or pressure conditions to be adjusted, ensures that the fluid continuously operates in the modulated position by controlling the pressure.

  • Easy operation and maintenance with simple structure
  • Low cost
  • Working at wide pressure value range
  • Perfect modulation even at low flow rates
  • Continuous on / off with flexible aperture
  • Full seal with reinforced diaphragm and inner spring
  • Long life with epoxy-polyester coating
  • Wide range of control area with the use of different pilot valves
  • Ability to work in horizontal and vertical positions in application areas